Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
It is in our DNA to join Christ’s mission in the world, and God uses the people of FBCLS to make a difference in Lee’s Summit and beyond. Recent groups from FBCLS have served in many ways and in many places, including church leader training in Cuba and Guatemala, medical missions in Guatemala, and disaster relief and inner city ministries throughout the US. We are privileged to partner with a number of ministries who are doing meaningful work to spread God’s love.

Our mission partners
- Tabitha Ministry
- 6th Baptist Church of Santiago, Cuba
- Samaritan's Purse
- CBF Global
- IMB of the SBC
- Perspectives
Our mission partners
BR/KC Association
Lee's Summit Social Services
Restoration House
Rachel House
Hope House
City Union Mission
Forest Ave Homeless Shelter
Lee's Summit Social Services
Restoration House
Rachel House
Hope House
City Union Mission
Forest Ave Homeless Shelter
Tabitha Ministry
6th Baptist Church of Cuba
Samaritan's Purse
CBF Global Missions
IMB of the SBC
6th Baptist Church of Cuba
Samaritan's Purse
CBF Global Missions
IMB of the SBC
Guatemala 2019
Since 2012, we’ve been doing medical missions trips to Guatemala. We've been blessed to be able to bless others, providing medical care and basic needs to families. Seeing the Lord work through the volunteers is an incredible sight.
We also financially support the Tabitha Ministry in Guatemala City, a remarkable early childhood education and elementary school for children living in or near the city dump there.
We also financially support the Tabitha Ministry in Guatemala City, a remarkable early childhood education and elementary school for children living in or near the city dump there.
Cuba 2017
We’ve taken church missions trips to Cuba since 2016 and specifically have partnered with the 6th Baptist Church of Santiago, Cuba and their pastor, Joey Hernandez. We’ve contributed to the construction of their new building as well as supporting them with training trips for their workers and funds they’ve used to help feed hungry families in their neighborhood
Guatemala 2017
We’ve been taking missions trips to Guatemala as a church since 2008. It’s a long-standing commitment. Our initial years were more general trips with outreach, Vacation Bible Schools, and leadership training in local churches.
First Serve
Serve the Kingdom in our community!
FBCLS engages in a variety of service projects throughout the year called First Serve Sunday. These projects provide wonderful opportunities to engage folks in our community as well as providing much-needed services to our neighbors. To learn more about First Serve Sunday, click below.