Current Series

I Wonder

Worshipping a God who is so much bigger than our brains can lead to confusion. It prompts lots of questions. Worshipping such a big God also leads to experiences of awe and astonishment. A few weeks ago, we put some of our kids in front of a camera and asked them to share some questions they have about God, and some things about him that they think are impressive. Are you ready to be challenged by the kids’ curiosity and amazement? For four weeks, Pastor Blake will help us explore some ways Scripture addresses the kids’ (and our) questions and observations about God.

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RightNow Media

One of our church's priorities is to equip you to live out your faith on a daily basis. To help you do that, we have entered a partnership with RightNow Media that allows you to have access to tons of encouraging video resources. RightNow Media is "Gospel Netflix" - including everything from Bible study videos to money management resources to "Veggie Tales". You'll find resources for women, men, couples, singles, teens, and kids. Access to this library of resources is a gift from the church and is free for you to use. Use the "Get Started" button below to get started!
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