Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Nov 28, 2023

Listen to the Word

"I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." (John 15:11)

Jesus came to us as the joy bringer. The baby whose birth we are celebrating grew up to become the most joyful person who ever lived. You wouldn't know it by watching some of his followers - sometimes we look like we've been baptized in vinegar! But Jesus was full of joy. And he made it clear that there is only one way you can be full of joy. He did not say your joy would be complete if your income improves, or if your kids behave better, or if you get everything you want for Christmas. He said your joy will be complete if you have his joy in you. Full joy is not something you achieve; it is something you receive. It is Christ's to give, and he wants to give it to you.

Live the Word

Ask Jesus to fill you up with his joy.