Friday, September 1, 2023

Sep 1, 2023

Listen to the Word

Whoever fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge.  (Proverbs 14:26)

Today’s Scripture makes a really big claim: if you fear God, you don’t have to fear anything else. The verse calls us to picture a battle scene. It makes it clear that apart from God we are vulnerable, like soldiers standing out in the open surrounded by an enemy army. But when we appropriately respect and fear God, we and our kids are moved inside the fortified walls of his castle, well out of range of enemy arrows.

If we ignore God, then we must take it upon ourselves to defend ourselves from all the harm that could come our way. If that is our approach, we have valid reason to be afraid, because many of the challenges we will face will be too much for us. But if we see God for who he is and entrust our lives to him, we can count on him to protect us. Challenges will certainly still come, but we can count on him to keep us safe from ultimate harm.

Live the Word

What are you afraid of today? Ask God to shrink that fear by growing your opinion of him.