Thursday, November 30, 2023

Nov 30, 2023

Listen to the Word

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24)

Some people look to yesterday as the day of joy: "I remember the good ol' days, when everything was just the way I liked it. I was joyful then." Other people look to tomorrow as the day of joy: "I can't wait until I get my driver's license/get married/have kids/get the kids out of the house. I will be joyful then."

God says neither yesterday nor tomorrow is the day of joy. THIS is the day the Lord has made. If we are going to rejoice, we must rejoice in this day. With all of its imperfections, today is God's day. It is a gift from him (maybe that's why they call it the "present"). Today is the day to rejoice.

Live the Word

Plan a mini-celebration of God's goodness for some point this day. Plan to sing a song, do a dance, eat a candy bar, or do something else you enjoy, and do it as an expression of your joy in Christ.