Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Mar 20, 2024

Listen to the Word

“Well done, my good servant!" his master replied. "Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities." (Luke 19:17)

Today’s verse is part of a parable Jesus told. In the story, a man entrusts money to several of his employees and leaves town. When he returns, he rewards the employees who have invested the money well. However, the reward he gives them is not a vacation or a better parking spot – it is more work. He says that their faithfulness in handling what he gave them shows that they are ready for even greater responsibility.

Sometimes we are tempted to fantasize about having greater influence or a more prominent role in God’s Kingdom. Perhaps we spend so much time imagining the great things we would do if we were given significant responsibilities that we neglect the responsibilities we have already been given. Doing the jobs that have been given to us is the best training for the jobs we will receive in the future. And everything we do for Christ is an opportunity to demonstrate that he can count on us to do even more.

Live the Word

Is there a less-than-glamourous task on your to-do list today? Do it faithfully and well, and see what greater responsibility may follow.