Friday, November 8, 2024

Nov 8, 2024

Listen to the Word

Is anything too hard for the LORD?   (Genesis 18:14)


If you have a friend who doubts that a huge, heavy airplane could actually get airborne, it wouldn’t do much good to tell them to try harder to believe. The best plan would be to take them to an airport where they could watch planes take off. Likewise, trying harder to believe in God is unproductive. But the more you watch God and get to know Him, the more natural it becomes to have confidence in Him.

God told Abraham and Sarah that they were going to have a baby, in spite of the fact that they were infertile and their combined age was 190. Their doubtful response was to laugh their heads off. God then asked the great question recorded in Genesis 18:14: “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” He answered that question with a loud “no” by sending Isaac nine months later. The more we watch God, the easier it becomes to believe that nothing is too hard for Him.

Live the Word

Write the question from Genesis 18:14 on a card and put it somewhere you will see it for the next couple of weeks.