Monday, March 18, 2024

Mar 18, 2024

Listen to the Word

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”  (Luke 18:27)

We worship a God who specializes in doing the un-doable. He created everything out of nothing. He caused Abraham to join the new dad club at the same time he was joining the centenarian club. He turned the Red Sea floor into a nice place for a stroll. He spoke to the prophet Balaam through a donkey. He entered the world through the womb of a virgin. He turned a crucifixion into a resurrection.

There are significant limitations on what humans can accomplish. God suffers under no such limitations. He consistently deletes the first two letters of the word “impossible.”

The difficulties you face in life may very well be too much for you. But they are no match for God. So don’t try to handle them alone. Put them in the hands of the One for whom nothing is impossible!

Live the Word

Is there a challenge before you that seems impossible to you? Ask God to take care of it, and to provide evidence that what is impossible for you is possible for him.