Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Mar 12, 2024

Listen to the Word

And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.  (Luke 14:27)

It is ironic that we often hope that being a disciple of Jesus will make life easier. We want God to notice our loyalty and reward us by dropping some extra cash in our accounts, curing our aches and pains, removing our acne, and paving over all the potholes in our paths. But being a disciple of Jesus means we follow him – we go where he goes. And where he goes is to a cross. Following a crucified Savior is not likely to lead to a bunch of smooth, flower-strewn paths.

And Jesus didn’t try to con us into thinking it would be easy – he made it clear that discipleship requires cross-bearing. It requires a life of sacrifice and surrender. It takes us on a journey that goes THROUGH death, not around it. Being a disciple of Jesus leads to an overwhelmingly beautiful destination, and the trek toward that destination is full of joyful moments because Jesus is walking it with us. But it is a journey with a cross.

Live the Word

Be intentional about following Jesus for the next hour. Ask him to show you how he would handle the tasks and encounters before you, and ask him to give you the strength to live as he would live if he were in your place.