Jesus Rules Nature and Supernature

There are moments in our lives when chaos rules the day. Forces from all around remind us that we really don’t have much control in this world.

Yet we continue to grasp for control.

We know the verse Cease Striving and know that I am God. We frame it and put it on our walls, and it really is a great reminder that our peace comes from releasing the struggle and letting God have full control. I find it significant that this important verse is a bookend to a Psalm that starts with, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

The in-between verses of Psalm 46 describe natural and supernatural dangers that may come our way, and at the beginning and end the poet reminds us that there is One who rules it all. There is One who is our protection and exercises authority over all aspects of our world.

Matthew chapter 8 describes 2 such instances where the disciples witnessed this authority firsthand.

Here’s the flow of the story: Jesus teaches and crowds are drawn to His message. Jesus challenges His followers to go all-in and give everything to follow Him. As they travel across the Sea of Galilee a storm hits that makes the disciples feel they are in mortal danger and doubt that Jesus can pull them through, as He is asleep. They wake Jesus in a panic and He calms the storm. On the other side of the lake they encounter a man possessed by demons, and Jesus casts the demons into a herd of pigs.

The truth is that Jesus, as God With Us, exercised complete control over both natural and supernatural forces. As He travelled through Israel preaching about the Kingdom of God He validated His message by healing, casting out demons, lifting up the downtrodden and ostracized, and freely giving the gift of Eternal Life to those who would believe.

Yet those closest to Jesus doubted Him in a moment of dangerous circumstances.

Here are some principles for us to think about:
  • Jesus has all the power to rule both natural and supernatural forces.
  • A life of discipleship requires absolute commitment to Christ and His purpose for our lives.
  • Jesus rules the fiercest of natural forces and deserves our trust and devotion.
  • Jesus rules the most powerful supernatural forces and deserves our trust and devotion.

Regardless of the circumstances we encounter, Jesus did not leave us alone to muddle through and suffer or thrive on our own. The same power that calmed the storm is WITH us to guide us, to give us wisdom, to connect us to each other, to help us endure extreme joys and sorrows, and to do what we lack the power in ourselves to do. This is the same power that cast out demons, raised the dead to life, and brought the world into existence! It was the Holy Spirit that hovered over the face of the waters at Creation, and this same Spirit dwells with us to empower us to do the things that God wants us to do!

We can follow Him with confidence and trust that He will see us through!
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