Commissioning Jesus' Followers

Do you remember the song from Sesame Street, "One of These Things is Not Like the Other"?
One of these things is not like the other,
One of these things doesn't belong.
Can you tell which thing is not like the other
By the time we finish this song?

It was usually pretty easy to tell what was different, by shape, size, type, etc. But the ability to sort objects and recognize differences between things is a significant developmental milestone.

The ability to sort, whether too early or not at all, can be a sign of some challenges a family might have to face regarding their children.

But there are times when we all have trouble noticing obvious signs right in front of us.

I am sometimes too hard on the disciples and religious leaders in the New Testament. I think, as someone who has the end of the story in my hands, "How could you be so dumb? Of course Jesus was the Messiah, look at all the signs!" But time after time the people missed it. Even His closest followers sometimes didn't recognize Jesus for who He is.

Matthew 10 tells us about how Jesus' disciples were commissioned to go out to the cities and towns of Israel to let them know the long-awaited Messiah had come. They were sent to the people who should have been looking for the Messiah and recognized the signs. They should have recognized Him for who He is.

It should have been obvious, the signs were right in front of them.

And the difficult thing for me is that many of those people, the ones who had the chance to witness firsthand the miracles and signs of Jesus, the proof that He is the Messiah, chose to reject Him. Jesus said, because they had the proof right in front of them and chose to ignore it, "It will be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah" than for them.

Where am I missing it?

Is God doing an obvious work around me? Am I intentionally closing my eyes and refusing to see His work in the world because it doesn't match my notions of how He should operate?

May we be aware of God's work in the world and join in with joy!
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