Monday, August 8, 2022

Aug 8, 2022

Listen to the Word
The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:7-10)

I bet Moses was thrilled with God’s opening remarks from the burning bush. He was glad to hear that God was concerned about his suffering people, and he was delighted that God was going to rescue them and lead them into a new land. But everything changed when God announced how he planned to do all this: He was going to work through Moses!

God loves to do his holy work through his imperfect people. He wants to use you to accomplish his purposes, just like he used Moses. You might be full of fear and overflowing with excuses, just like Moses was. But we will learn this week that God is more than adequate to cover your inadequacy! If he can use an eighty year old shepherd with a murder record to stand up to Pharaoh and lead a million slaves to freedom, he can do pretty amazing things through you, too!

Live the Word
Thank God for the incredible privilege of being his servant. Ask him to help you to be open to opportunities to let him work through you this week.