Monday, June 19, 2023

Jun 19, 2023

Listen to the Word

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you…   (Isaiah 43:2)

We aren’t sure what the future holds. Even the smartest among us are unable to predict with accuracy what tomorrow will bring. When we look into a crystal ball, all we see is a big question mark, and that can be scary. This week we will explore some fear-busting promises from Scripture that remind us that, with God’s help, we can face an uncertain future with confidence.

The first promise: God will be with you when you are distressed. Through Isaiah, God assures you that if you wind up in deep water tomorrow, he will be in up to his neck with you. You will never face any difficulty alone. Your future will no doubt include some unpleasant moments, but you can deal with them because you know that the God of the universe will be with you. You can handle whatever is before you because of the faithfulness of the One who is beside you.

Live the Word

Any time you face a situation today that causes your anxiety to rise, pause and thank God for the fact that he is right there with you.