Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Nov 8, 2023

Listen to the Word

O God, whom I praise, do not remain silent.  (Psalm 109:1)

Experiencing the silence of God is not a pleasant thing. We would all prefer the spiritual mountaintop over the dark valley. But God uses those times when he seems far away to accomplish some important things in us. He reminds us that he is beyond our understanding - he is mysterious, and though he graciously makes himself known to us, we will never completely understand him. He also reminds us that he is beyond our control. He is not a genie in a bottle, at our beck and call to do whatever we wish. He is not some tame animal we can keep on a leash. He is wild. He is God.

Live the Word

Reflect on a past experience of God’s apparent absence. Can you think of something God used that silent season to accomplish in you? Thank God for how he worked.